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Infants Program


Infancy is a tender, remarkable time of growth and development in a child’s life.  Our Infant program gets our babies moving on a fast track to early learning. The classroom is designed to develop physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills for babies between the ages of six weeks and twelve months. From the very beginning, our teachers develop a personal bond with your baby to foster a strong emotional connection so your little one feels safe and loved in this new environment.


We spend quality time getting to know their individual needs so that we can collaborate with families to customize meal plans, daily developmental activities and give special attention during the times they’ll need it most.  Emphasis is placed on the child’s physical needs, such as feeding and diapering, as well as interpersonal interaction


Our curriculum is designed to help infants achieve their milestones through sensory, social and motor activities. Infant classrooms are cozy and filled with stimulating colors, textures and sounds to keep your baby actively engaged throughout the day. Enrollment in the infant room may be extended based on a child's developmental needs.  When our babies begin taking steps, show assertion and more self-control, they are moved to the “Toddler One” classroom.

Trinity AME Early Learning Center
604 Lynhurst Drive SW
Atlanta , Ga 30311


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